
Fear of Needles (Injections)

There are some phobias that may be irrational, but are often not a significant imposition to your day-to-day activities. The fear of needles or Belonephobia is one fear that could potentially cause problems with life saving care and prevention.  Belonephobia is also known as blenophobia or trypanophobia. This phobia has less to do with needles in general and more to do with the fear that the needle will be used for injection purposes.

The cause for fear

Less than 10% of Americans suffer with the fear of injection. However, most who are afraid will say that they know a close relative who also suffers from this fear. This is an indication that the fear is often learned. Those who fear injections also understand that this fear is irrational. They can even talk about the fear openly as long as a needle is not present in the room.

Patients with this fear will readily agree that the fear could convince them to postpone life giving or symptom reliving help.

Fear symptoms

This particular phobia often finds the one who suffers avoiding help. If they do seek help it is not uncommon to see anxiety levels right to such a degree that the patient passes out.

Like other phobias this fear seems to insist that the sufferer flee from what they feel is the primary cause of their fear. That anxiety is amplified when they feel there is no means of escaping the object of their fear. When escape does not seem to be an option a panic attack is common.

Additional signs

  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Trembling
  • Feeling faint
  • Crying or screaming
  • Feelings of paralysis during the injection

This fear can also be tied to anxiety caused by the sign of blood or having blood drawn from your body. Most doctors will provide notes in your medical file if they detect a fear of injections.

The reason this is a problem is that individuals who may need an injection may refuse to visit their primary physician voluntarily to receive a needed shot.

Overcoming your fear of needles

In many cases the way to overcome your fear of injections is to have help and empathy from your primary care provider. Some will use syringes that are colorful and decorated as items that might be considered gentle. The doctor will use this in progression therapy by allowing the individual time to get used to every object used in a vaccination or other type of injection.

A mild and topical anesthetic cream can be used to minimize the associated pain of the procedure.

Counseling can also provide those who fear with desensitization techniques that can help with this and countless other fears. Many who have one phobia often currently have or will acquire along the way additional phobias.

Doctors may be able to substitute some injections with oral medication. This can help the individual with the phobia understand that their doctor will only administer an injection when it is absolutely necessary. The way the doctor manages the crisis will go a long way in managing the issue in subsequent visits.

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